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Configurating Canon´s Auto Start Button:

- Garmin: “on”
- Tom Tom: “off”
- Mobile/stand alone: “off”
- ATX 1: “on”
- ATX 2 “off”
Status Fujitu Accu:
- Blue: charged >10%
- Orange: charging, always via cable connection
- Orange, flashing: low battery <10%
Status Fujitu WIFI:
- Blue: connected to access point, router/on-board computer
- Green: connected to direct device, tablet/smartphone
- Orange: no connection
- Blue, flashing: searching for connection
- After 5 minutes of inactivity, the scanner will automatically turn off. The large button now only shows blue light.
Check the battery percentage, connect scanner to computer. Then, rightclick on the Fujitsu logo on the bottom-left.